
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Help Blinds Download Screenreader

Help Blinds People: After downloading this software they can use computer

I am very pleased after sharing this application to you and I hope you will help me to spreed this application to all people who are blinds and want to use computer. Thunder Screen Reader is a software which helps blinds to use computer. Basically it is talking software which tells each and every tab of keyboard or even every click of mouse.
  • Thunder download(window xp, window vista)
Download: Install thunder exe
  • Thunder USB version: Just unzip and copy it on your USB device then you can use it anywhere with your flash drive.
Download: Install Thunder USB version
  • Thunder screen reader for network: it is set of suitable file can be used for a school computer lab or for college.
Download Thunder for Network

Your help can make able many blinds to use computer easily.

Must Visit it:

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