
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Guide Lines for Entrepreneurship Exams

Please read it carefully.

  • You will be asked to all questions related with your final project. So make it sure that you have completely discussed all aspects of your final project with your all group members.
  • You can use internet very efficiently to know more about the category of your business.
  • Go to Google or any other search engine search for competitors of your business category.
  • Using different resources try to gain more and more product knowledge, customer knowledge and market knowledge about your business category.

Following are few examples of question which can be asked about your final project.

  1. Briefly explain area in which you have developed your project.

    Example: (Business area, Food or Category Snacks, Product Lays Chips)

    Competitors: (Super snacks, golden foods ect..)

  2. Why you have chosen this area?

    Example: (Already had Detail worked and research, market experience, interest, growing business, chance of more profit ect…)

  3. How you will mange your finance?

    Example: (Loan from bank, family support, each member of group will contribute equally ect…)

  4. What will be the target market?

    Example: (Make detail profile of your target customers, age, income, education, gender, ect…

    You can search all these things just putting it in your search engine)

  5. What will be competitor of you and what is your competitive advantage?

    Example: (Coke/ Pepsi why coke, strong brand, good taste ect….)

  6. Risk evaluation? (show how many amount of money required and where and how you will utilize, what are risky factors of your business

    Like no experience, lack of confidence )


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