Measuring Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Brand Equity and Brand Value
Purpose of Article:
- Brand Knowledge
"Refers to brand awareness (whether, when consumer know the brand) and brand image (what are association that consumer have with the brand)".
To measure the brand knowledge author used the "The Brand Knowledge Pyramid" adopted from "Keller 2001". This pyramid shows that we can measure the brand knowledge by rational and emotional brand evaluation / functional and emotional brand association.
Brand Awareness: It can be measured through brand recall (refers to the ability of consumers to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product category) and brand recognition (refers to the ability of consumers to confirm prior exposure to the brand).
Brand image: It is defined as consumer perceptions of a brand reflected by the brand associations held in consumer's memory. To measure one can use two methods, first to adapt existing list of brand association (Aaker's Brand Personality list), second one can start from scratch by measuring brand association in term of positive or negative association.
Techniques to measure the brand knowledge:
- Projective Techniques (unstructured forms of questionnaire ask respondents to describe beliefs, attitude or feeling regarding brand )
- Laddering Method (It is used to show higher order benefits and values offered by brand)
- Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Techniques: ZMET (This is qualitative approach used to measure brand knowledge such as personal interview)
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