
Friday, June 1, 2012

How to customize the windows 7 task bar

How to customize the windows 7 task bar
Windows 7 is latest version of Microsoft’s operating system for laptop and computers. Task bar is basic tools to run your windows according to you here you can control programs, open programs, close programs, time, date, sound and many other notifications and tools are available in it. In this tutorial you will learn….

1.     How to use task bar and its properties?
2.     How to use Lock Task Bar, Auto Hide Task Bar and Icon size options?
3.     Start Menu and its customization?
4.     How to use Power Button actions when you press Shutdown?
5.     How to show different toolbars on taskbar?

First, task bar is located at the right side of window logo button or start menu button. This shows the applications running currently and many other options. Right click on the task bar to open the properties as shown in this picture.

Second, you can control your task bar as you wish you can lock it you can Hide it or you can make your task bar icons large or smaller. For all these purpose just right click on the task bar and use check buttons to apply the affects just click on the option you want to apply can cheek it if you do not want to this option again click on it to un-cheek the box. Task bar in lock will not be move able, while task bar on hide will be hidden when you are not using it and small icon simply all icons shown on task bar will be shrink to small.

Task bar Location and Task bar Button are two next options in Task Bar Tab (the upper 1st button) in task bar location you can change the location of task bar from right to left, top to bottom and it task bar button option Always combine or hide label (it will combine the same programs in one button or hide the title of program), combine when task bar is full (it will combine only when low space available on task bar) and Never combine (it will not combine the task bar even you are using many other applications.

After understanding of task bar locations and related function now we will move toward the customization of your notification area just left side from time and date. Here are different icons of Battery, Sound, Internet, Flag and arrow button which will show more icons in this task bar. Here you can control which icon should be visible or which should not be visible.
1.     Right Click on task bar
2.     Click on Properties
3.     Click on Customize button to open its properties

When you click on customize button new window will open to select which icon and notification appear on task bar. Just like this picture

There are two main parts of this new window Icon and Behavior. The first part showing the icons of different applications while the second will let you choose the behavior of this icon, shows icon notification, Hide icon notification and only shows notification.

Or in the last you will see Turn system icon on or off and restore default icon behavior. The first option will turn off or on these notification and second option will give you peace of mind if you forget some settings click on this button all setting will be restored to default. 

After completing Task Bar tab now we will move to Start Menu tab next to task bar tab. It consist on two main button Customize and Power button action and in last Privacy a small box under these two button having cheek box to store Recently used program and recently used items.

 power button action 

Customize first button on this window consist on options of  some major Icons or your computer such as My Computer, Control Panel and documents etc… You can change this entire icon according to your choice whether you want to show an icon as Link, Menu or do not display (if you do not want to show any icon you will select this option). In the bottom start menu size, number or recent program to display, number or recent items to display here you can control how much items and program will be displayed which you were recently using and Use Default setting button give you restore of all settings according to windows default setting. After applying these changes click on ok and apply.

So far we have completed Task bar and start menu tab now we will move to third and last of this box which is tool bars. Tool bars are different useful tools which are not displayed by default but if you want to display any of them you can display it form here it contains on address, links, tablet PC input pane and Desktop. All these options will be visible on task bar. After reading this complete tutorial I hope you will be able to put all affects on your windows 7 task bar and using it according to your own choice.

If you are having problem with your windows 7 activation click here to activate it free Activate windows 7 ultimate for free

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