
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Download Google Desktop

Google Desktop is free software for your computer's desktop. It provides you the basis gadgets for your computer like wall clock, weather updates, news, web search history and facebook contents. It will give new look to your desktop. You can download it for free.
Click here to download.
Google Desktop Exe.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Logo of Superior University

You can use the below images of superior university in your projects, assignment and presentation. It will give new look to your documents. 

Header Image

Superior Logo

Enjoy your time and wish you good luck for your projects and Thesis.
Created by Students of Superior University.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Download Urdu to English dictionary

Download Urdu to English dictionary for your computer and increase your vocabulary. You can download this dictionary easily just click the below link. The link of this dictionary is taken from 

Cleantouch Urdu Dictionary

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Download Net Framework

Download This software which is very necessary for installation of new softwares. It is also required for installation of MS Office 2010. Click here to get it .
Net Framework 3.5

Adobe Flash Player

Whenever you install new window you miss lot of old software which are necessary for your computer.Adobe Flash player is one of those software. This very handy application and best for all users of computer particularly who use internet.I have started to build online link bank regarding with all those software which are installed after fresh window installation.

Download Adobe Flash Player

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Guide Lines for Entrepreneurship Exams

Please read it carefully.

  • You will be asked to all questions related with your final project. So make it sure that you have completely discussed all aspects of your final project with your all group members.
  • You can use internet very efficiently to know more about the category of your business.
  • Go to Google or any other search engine search for competitors of your business category.
  • Using different resources try to gain more and more product knowledge, customer knowledge and market knowledge about your business category.

Following are few examples of question which can be asked about your final project.

  1. Briefly explain area in which you have developed your project.

    Example: (Business area, Food or Category Snacks, Product Lays Chips)

    Competitors: (Super snacks, golden foods ect..)

  2. Why you have chosen this area?

    Example: (Already had Detail worked and research, market experience, interest, growing business, chance of more profit ect…)

  3. How you will mange your finance?

    Example: (Loan from bank, family support, each member of group will contribute equally ect…)

  4. What will be the target market?

    Example: (Make detail profile of your target customers, age, income, education, gender, ect…

    You can search all these things just putting it in your search engine)

  5. What will be competitor of you and what is your competitive advantage?

    Example: (Coke/ Pepsi why coke, strong brand, good taste ect….)

  6. Risk evaluation? (show how many amount of money required and where and how you will utilize, what are risky factors of your business

    Like no experience, lack of confidence )


Measuring Brand awareness Part 2

  1. Brand Equity

    "The differential effect that brand awareness and brand associations have on consumer response to the marketing of that brand"

    Methods to Measure the brand equity:

  • Self-Reports (overall brand evaluation also known as attitude toward the brand)
  • Experience (It is called blind testing in which two groups are involved first group might test the non branded product and second will be testing branded product)
  • Conjoint Analysis (techniques to measure the value of each product attributes such as technical attribute, warranty, price level the brand etc.)
  1. Brand Value

    "The financial value of the brand"

    Methods to measure the Brand Value: Two main valuation approaches are used to measure brand value.

  • Cost approach (Brand equity is amount of money that would be required to reduce or replace the brand like R&D, test marketing, advertising etc.)
  • Market approach (Brand equity is the present cash flow value derived from the brand's future earnings)

Measuring Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Brand Equity and Brand Value Part 1

Measuring Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Brand Equity and Brand Value

Purpose of Article:

  1. Brand Knowledge

    "Refers to brand awareness (whether, when consumer know the brand) and brand image (what are association that consumer have with the brand)".

    To measure the brand knowledge author used the "The Brand Knowledge Pyramid" adopted from "Keller 2001". This pyramid shows that we can measure the brand knowledge by rational and emotional brand evaluation / functional and emotional brand association.

    Brand Awareness: It can be measured through brand recall (refers to the ability of consumers to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product category) and brand recognition (refers to the ability of consumers to confirm prior exposure to the brand).

    Brand image: It is defined as consumer perceptions of a brand reflected by the brand associations held in consumer's memory. To measure one can use two methods, first to adapt existing list of brand association (Aaker's Brand Personality list), second one can start from scratch by measuring brand association in term of positive or negative association.

    Techniques to measure the brand knowledge:

  • Projective Techniques (unstructured forms of questionnaire ask respondents to describe beliefs, attitude or feeling regarding brand )
  • Laddering Method (It is used to show higher order benefits and values offered by brand)
  • Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Techniques: ZMET (This is qualitative approach used to measure brand knowledge such as personal interview)

Compensation Management

Performance & Compensation Management {1}

  1. The performance appraisal involves the identification, ______________________, and management of human performance in an organization.

    (compilation, implementation, measurement)

  2. Identification means determining what areas of _____________ the manager should be examining.

    (Responsibilities, tasks, work)

  3. Management is the overriding ____________ of any appraisal system.

    (Goal, objective, strategy)

  4. Organizations usually conduct appraisals for administrative and/or __________________ purposes.

(Performance, developmental, increment)

  1. Performance appraisals are used administratively for the decisions on promotions, _________________, and rewards.

    (Bonuses, incentives, termination)

  2. Appraisals are typically based on supervisor's _______________ judgments rather than on objective indicators of performance.

    (Personal, subjective, perceived)

  3. Dimension is an aspect of performance that determines effective __________________ performance.

    (Job, task, work)

  4. Job ________________ is the mechanism by which performance dimensions should be identified.

    (Description, design, analysis)

  5. The _________________ based approach identifies dimensions based on goals and where the organization intends to go.

    (Objective, policy, strategy)

  6. The performance measuring formats are classified in two ways i.e. types of judgment and focus of ____________________.

    (Work, job, measure)

  7. The __________________ judgment asks managers to compare an employee's performance to the performance of other employee doing the same job.

    (Absolute, relative, comparative)

  8. The __________________ judgment formats ask managers to make judgment about an employee's performance based solely on performance standards.

    (Absolute, relative, comparative)

  9. _____________________ Appraisal instrument ask the manager to make judgment about worker's characteristics that tend to be consistent.

    (Trait, behavioral, emotional)

  10. _____________________ Appraisal instrument asks managers to assess the results achieved by workers.

    (Outcome, MBO, work)

  11. _______________ Error is an error in performance appraisal that reflects consistent biases on the part of the rater.

    (Rater, halo, range)

  12. _______________ Error is the tendency to rate similarly across dimensions.

    (Rater, halo, range)

  13. ___________________ refers to the degree to which the performance ratings given by various managers in an organization are similar.

    (Comparability, compatibility, similarity)

  14. The goal of appraisal from a ______________ perspective is accuracy.

    (Rational, political, managerial)

  15. The goal of appraisal from a ______________ perspective is utility.

    (Rational, political, managerial)

Performance & Compensation Management {2}

  1. Compensation is the single most important ________________ in most firms.

    (Revenue, expense, cost)

  2. The ________________ compensation is the package of quantifiable rewards an employee receives for his or her labors.

    (Base, total, partial)

  3. The __________________ compensation is the fixed pay an employee receives on regular basis.

    (Base, total, partial)

  4. The _______________ incentive is a program designed to reward employees for good performance.

    (Motivational, monetary, pay)

  5. The internal equity refers to the perceived fairness of the ______________ structure within a firm.

    (Pay, wage, compensation)

  6. The external equity refers to the perceived fairness of the ___________ relative to what other employers are paying for same type of labor.

    (Pay, wage, compensation)

  7. The distributive justice model of pay _________________ holds that employees exchange their contributions or inputs to the firm.

    (Amount, contribution, equity)

  8. The _____________ pay is a predictable monthly compensation.

    (Total, fixed, variable)

  9. The _____________ pay takes many forms including bonuses, incentives, profit-sharing, stock options etc.

    (Total, fixed, variable)

  10. The most extreme forms of ________________ contingent compensation are traditional piece-rate plans and sales commission.

    (Membership, work, performance)

  11. In ________________ contingent compensation firm provide the same or a similar wage to every employee in a given job for least satisfactory performance.

    (Membership, work, performance)

  12. In _________________-based pay system employees are paid on the basis of the jobs they can do.

    (Job, knowledge, task)

  13. In _________________-based pay system employees do not need to cover for one another frequently.

    (Job, knowledge, task)

  14. The _____________________ pay system is a pay plan in which most employees are part of the same compensation system.

    (Elitist, egalitarian, equality)

  15. The _____________________ pay system is a pay plan in which different compensation systems are established for employees at different levels.

    (Elitist, egalitarian, equality)

  16. The _______________ pay system forces managers to be more fair and effective in administrating compensation.

    (Open, neutral, close)

  17. The _______________ pay system can unleash a destructive cycle of conflict and hostility that is difficult to stop.

    (Open, neutral, close)

  18. The ____________-based approaches include the most traditional and widely used types of compensation programs.

    (Job, skill, task)

  19. In ____________-based approach employees should be paid according to their flexibility or capability of performing multiple tasks.

    (Job, skill, task)

  20. In pay grades system the groups of ______________________ are paid within the same pay range.

    (Jobs, tasks, responsibilities)

Performance & Compensation Management{3}

  1. Successful implementation of performance management system requires wide organizational support and ___________________.

    (Planning, controlling, acceptance)

  2. The implementation of performance management system requires the involvement of many _______________________.

    (Resources, machines, players)

  3. Before PM system is launched a successful communication plan must be __________________________.

    (Implemented, planned, designed)

  4. In PMS communication plan, the information on relationship between performance management and _________________ planning is provided.

    (HR. business, strategic)

  5. A good communication plan describes the ______________ of implementing performance management for all those involved.

    (Benefits, rewards, incentives)

  6. The communication plan should include information on the ______________ and responsibilities of each person involved at each stage of the process.

    (Job, task, role)

  7. In communication plan, the information on relationship between performance management and training, _________________ and succession planning.

    (Compensation, promotion, development)

  8. Minimize the negative impact of biases in PMS communication plan by involving the ____________________.

    (Employees, managers, supervisors)

  9. Minimize the negative impact of biases in PMS communication plan by creating positive _________________ towards new performance system.

    (Response, picture, attitude)

Minimize the negative impact of biases in PMS communication plan by using ___________________ communication. (Verbal, non-verbal, written)
